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75 Results for Shared Housing for sale in Canton Mi - Classifieds

Room close to downtown Royal Oak - $475 (Royal Oak) 1200ft 2

Greetings, This is for a room for rent in a bungalow in Royal Oak. The house is approx 1/two mile from downtown Royal Oak. The current roommates are all young professionals working in the metro detroit area. Rent does not include utilities. Uti [...]…

1 month ago on SpreadMyAd
Roommate wanted to share Three BR 2.5 BA condo/townhome...

Townhouse has recently been renovated and is in a peaceful cul-de-sac within walkable distance to town. Close to both Interstate 91 and Wilbur Cross Parkway. YWCA is nearby as are public tennis courts and many walki…

1 month ago on Roommates.com
Roommate wanted to share Two BR One BA apartment...

We are looking for a roommate that will in time assume the lease at the apartment. We have a situation that requires us to move to howell for medical needs. We are looking for someone that cane be reasonable, mature, honest and most of all - one/s that can ensure that the rent is paid.…

1 month ago on Roommates.com
Canton, MI Rooms Classifieds