708 Results for Housing for sale in Lemont Il - Classifieds
Beautiful room available today. 3 beds two baths flat Garage access from unit for 2 cars and private yard! Non-smoker roommates welcome! Pets are ok and it is ready to move into today. ++++++++++++++++++++== ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++…
1 month ago on oodle.comLooking for a female professional or student to share a 2 bedrooms two bathrooms bedroom. Gonna sign the contract and lease a 2 bedrooms two bathrooms in Avalon. Share utility. æ?¾å®¤å? 女ç?? æ? ä¸è?¯å??好…
1 month ago on oodle.comTwo rooms for rent in Warrenton access controlled community. They may be rented separately or together. If 1 is rented, rental cost is $700/mo + utilities. If both rooms are rented, cost is $467/mo + utilities. House is 2 stories, a young couple lives in the [...]…
1 month ago on oodle.comRoommate wanted!! Prefribly female over the age of 21.. Must have a job, clean up after self, and be respectful of others. Large room down lengthly hallwall provides privacy in this spacious 3 beds three bathrooms home. You would be sharing the house with [...]…
1 month ago on oodle.com