Available Room for Rent - N.A. - (Santa Ana, CA)
Im a caregiver in the weekends and an office professional Monday to Friday. I am looking for a caregiver or a senior who needs a room. There are 2 female professional Asians in the house. Quiet, respectful and keeps to themselves tothrmselves and are busy working so you will have your privacy. CONVENIENT LOCATION. SAVE TIME. Easy freeway access. WALKABLE DISTANCE TO THE SANTA ANA COMMUNITY COLLEGE CAMPUS. WALK TO BUS STOP! SHOPPING, ENTERTAINMENT, FOOD, ANYTHING YOU NEED IS CLOSE BY! WALK two minutes to Santa Ana Community College. one beds furnished or unfurnished available with a shared bathroom. In a safe location. Join roommates who are very nice and considerate people. If you are looking for clean, quiet and quiet with wonderful roommates, look no further. You have house and kitchen privileges. Consider this your home. Call (714) 809-479 or text me at (949) 600- 21 and I will give you a call back.

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