Flat For Rent In Bridgeport, Ct - $1,000 - (Bridgeport, CT)
one bedrooms, 1100 square feet, $1,000 Hello All, Looking for a roommate for two BEDROOMs apartment in Blackrock (Fairfield/Bridgeport border). This is in a new apartment. Room has never been occupied. I am a professional working female. Clean, W/D in unit, Kitchen access, balcony, gymnasium and dance studio, game room, event center, storage available. Female preferred. Call 269.598.XXXX. I work in Innovations/Program Management/Engineering, clean, enjoy sports, no pets, no smoking/drugs, I've been here for 3 yrs and I love it. Located at 3336 Fairfield Ave near downtown BlackRock, railway station, and Whole Foods. Lease Info: Room for Rent - $1000 - one Beds available in two BEDROOMs apartment (3336 Fairfield Ave, Bridgeport, CT) For more information: https://realtyww.info/flats/flat-for-rent-in-bridgeport-ct_i4648811

From RealtyWW - 1 month ago