Room For Rent In Wilmington, De - $650 - (Wilmington, DE)
Looking for 2 roommates in a ranch house on a peaceful street with large yard, deck and grill. Currently occupied with 2 young male professionals who work during the week and sometimes on weekends. The main level has three beds and two baths. 1 beds and 1 basement bedroom (with half bath) available. 1 space available in a two car garage for an additional $50. Driveway and onstreet parking accessible. Alarm system in use. Looking for responsible, respectful, and clean roommate(s) with similar lifestyle and interests. No rowdy parties here. Must be able to pass a background check, non-smoker, have proof of reliable income, and references. Rent is $650 + 1/4 of utilities and cable/internet Security deposit of $650. One room available immediately. If you would love an awesome place to live, please email and introduce yourself. For more information:

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