Flat For Rent In Harrison, Nj - $750 - (Harrison, NJ)
one bedrooms, $750 I'm renting this room in Harrison,NJ for 1 person (Female only). The room is located in the 2nd floor of the house, with its own entrance, and shared bathroom (right next to the room) with the other roommate only. The 2nd floor has a little living room, bathroom and two rooms. You can use the whole house, the kitchen and backyard as well. I'm looking for someone responsible, trustworthy and respectful. The house is very well located, close to walmart, grocery stores, path station, laundry and etc. About me- young female who isn't home much due to work and college schedule. Price - $750 (all included -electric bills and internet) + ($600 security deposit) Available for February first. For more info: https://realtyww.info/flats/flat-for-rent-in-harrison-nj_i4117167

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