Flat For Rent In Columbus, Oh - $1,500 - (Columbus, OH)
three bedrooms, 1000 sq-ft, $1,500 - 1655 North fourth Street are 3 beds and 2 bathrooms, beautifully updated townhomes. The remodeled kitchens have custom ceramic tile floors, white cabinets, and all appliances (dishwasher, refrigerator, stove, and garbage disposal). Every basement has its own bedroom, fullsize bath, and even a washer/dryer area! Complete with central air, refinished hard wood floors, enormous bedrooms, washer / dryer hookups, and off street parking, our townhomes feature plenty enough live-in space for three roommates, and enough off-on street parking space for three cars. This home is only 1 block away from the Columbus Police Campus Substation and a CABS/COTA bus stop. (RLNE4589265) For more information: https://realtyww.info/flats/flat-for-rent-in-columbus-oh_i4096503

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