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Roommate wanted to share Five BR Three BA house... - $900 - (Phoenix, AZ)

Luxury Living! We are a professional couple with a new house in Desert Ridge (approx 1yr old). You will have your own ensuite with your own private bathroom and walk-in closet connected to your bedroom! Beautiful house with many amenities including high-end kitchen, cable access including HBO/Showtime, and hot bath-tub in the back yard. We have our house professional cleaned twice a month and this will include your area. This is a access controlled community and you will have access to the community swimming pool and fitness facilities. Parking available in our driveway. Our house was professionally designed and is featured on their web siteportfolio. Near the Desert Ridge mall, close access to the 101 freeway. Near many great restaurants, shopping, and hiking/walking trails. About us: we do not have kids, but do have a fur child and we need our roommate to be good with dogs. We are busy professionals, responsible, clean, trustworthy, and will be respectful of your space.


Posted in Phoenix, AZ, Shared Housing
From - 1 month ago