Room For Rent In Acworth, Ga - $900 - (Acworth, GA)
This posting is to inform anyone seriously interested in housing, that I have a Enormous Studio Room four Rent. The room is 270 square ft. Together it has a private entry, private full size bathroom,, shower but no bathtub, and private deck. Teh Studio room contains all with in, a private bedroom with queen size bed and closet as well as a suite style living room with futon bed/couch, dedicated dining area room table, refrigerator, microwave. This room contains the private bath, entrance n deck. Amenities included with the rent are as follows. 1st, rent includes all utilities such as gas, electric and water. Secondly, in addition to utilities the rent includes Wi-Fi, cable with premium channels and weekly trash pick-up. Thirdly, and even better, the rent includes bi-weekly maid and gardening services. Finally, all renters have access to the their bathroom, living room, kitchen and study/office area and one shelving unit in the garage for storage. The studio goes for $900/mo n that includes everything.

From Real Estate Listings - Free Advertising - 1 month ago