Room For Rent In Indian Wells, Ca - $1,100 - (Indian Wells, CA)
Spacious bedroom/1 office, bath home with granite counters, tiled baths, large patio and pool, fireplace, garage for 2 cars with golf cart space, fruit trees, mountain views. Female only, I am a young 64-year old female who works from home. A little 11-year-old Yorkie lives here too. No additional animals. You must be gainfully employed. References, credit check. Looking for long-term rental. Full use of the house including TELEVISION/reading room. Rent + half electricity. Room currently not furnished but can be if needed; has 2 closets. No smoking, drugs, heavy drinking.More about me : Im a coach, internet marketer, and copywriter. I like to paint, occasionally entertain, and create groups of people to do things together. Ill probably have a neighborhood get-together this year. I work A LOT. But I have lots of good friends and family. Im Christian and it would be nice if you were too but faith has never been an issue with me.

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