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Rental Room for rent 45 apt1-4 N. 6th St. Indiana - $1,300 - (Indiana, PA)

IUP 2017-18: 5 beds for THREE, FOUR, or 5 ! ONLY $1300/sem. per 5, Heat & water included - WOW! You can't beat THAT price! AFFORDABLE whether 3, 4, or five tenants. $1300/sem./per 5; $1625/per 4; $2150/per 3 !! GREAT option if any of you need Fall-Only or Spring-Only. We'll help you work out the numbers. Heat and water included, you pay electric and cable/internet. Uptown location, convenient to jobs on Philly St. Plenty of parking available just $125/sem. Coin-op washer-dryer on-site. No Pet-friendly (RLNE1888551) IUP 2017-18: 5 beds for THREE, FOUR, or 5 ! ONLY $1300/sem. per 5, Heat & water included - WOW! You can't beat THAT price! AFFORDABLE whether 3, 4, or five tenants. $1300/sem./per 5; $1625/per 4; $2150/per 3 !! GREAT option if any of you need Fall-Only or Spring-Only. We'll help you work out the numbers. Heat and water included, you pay electric and cable/internet. Uptown location, convenient to jobs on Philly St. Plenty of parking available just $125/sem. Coin-op washer and dryer on-site.

Rental Room for rent 45 apt1-4 N. 6th St. Indiana


Posted in Indiana, PA, Shared Housing
From Listanza - 1 month ago