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WarehouseOffice to SHARE Available - N.A. - (Santa Ana, CA)

SQ FT Warehouse Office Available to SHARE.About SQ FT of Warehouse Racking (Shelving) Systems Set up.About Sq Ft Warehouse Carpeted with Desks Conference Table set up area About Sq Ft front Reception Area and Private Office (not sharing). Bathroom small kitchen In Business Complex Good Location Corner Unit. Office is set up and running phs internet printers furniture etc. Looking to sub-let a portion or share. Perfect for some with small start up business that needs conference table for meetings and desk office. Existing space is used for apparel showroom and music equipment.Rental amount negotiable depending on Usage needs. Max would be . month based on max space desired etc. Pictures and contact details on Advertigo website.

WarehouseOffice to SHARE Available


Posted in Santa Ana, CA, Shared Housing
From Advertigo - 1 month ago