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A roommate to share a 450 sq ft huge apartment - $350 - (Las Vegas, NV)

Located minutes to the strip Las Vegas Blvd., Las Vegas Convention Center, behind Wynn hotel. Close to Fashion Mall, UNLV, Mc Carran Airport. In Las Palmas Condominium 550 Paradise Road. Zip Code 89169 www.laspalmaslv.com Apartment. features : AIR CONDITIONING, balcony, overhead fans, diswasher machine, oversize walking closet. Community features : Business facility with WiFi and cable channels, Parking, Maintenance, Fitness facilities, HOt Bath-tub, laundry, swimming pools. Monthly rent just $ 50 + deposit Woman only at least 18yrs of age. Phone number 702-8 0-2647 from 8 am to 6 pm please. No pets Thank you!


Posted in Las Vegas, NV, Shared Housing
From Global-free-classified-ads - 1 month ago