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Rental Room for rent 402 apt1-4 Water St Indiana - $1,800 - (Indiana, PA)

IUP 2017-18: SPACIOUS 3 bdr. Apartment.; 1&1/two bathrooms, UTILITIES INCLUDED. 2 semester or YEAR lease! - BIG BEDROOMS, LOW price, just $1800/sem. per each of 3; also affordable for two at $2700/sem.!!! ALL utilities but cable/internet included. Off-parking on street @ $125/sem. FULL-size beds!! Your choice, two semester or year lease. On corner of fourth & Water St., convenient to Philly St. restaurants, Sheetz, Rite-Aid, Bi-Lo; Laundromat. Up to five tenants permitted! Very Affordable way to help a roommate who needs a Fall-Only or Spring-Only lease, or if your group has a couple. Share a bedroom, lower your individual portion of rent. Student applications require Guarantor. Non-student Residential applicants must meet Residential Application requirements: $25.00 application fee for credit/criminal background; employment and rental history. No Pet-friendly (RLNE1888701)

Rental Room for rent 402 apt1-4 Water St Indiana


Posted in Indiana, PA, Shared Housing
From Listanza - 1 month ago