Roommate wanted to share Three BR Two BA apartment... - $300 - (Bartlett, IL)
Looking for students or persons experienced, knowledgeable and open-minded about Myasthenia gravis, Graves disease, Sciatica, Depression, Anxiety, Domestic violence, Alcoholism, Autoimmune Protocol Paleo, Emotional Support Animals, Therapy Animals, Service Animals, American Bullys, Holistic Medicine, Functional Medicine, Yoga, Disability Rights, MDA,Pennington Biomedical Research, Meditation, Civil Rights , Football, Basketball, Donald Goings, Southern Beasts of the Southern Wild, Belle Hooks, Nikki Giovanni, Spike Lee, Nas, Teena Marie and Eddie Brickell. Must have car & able to minimally help with Myasthenia gravis. Must eat healthy & love movies, books, Music & knowledge. Must have CAR. Must help with six month Dr Appointments with Specialist in New Orleans. MUST understand chronic illness & sarcasm. Will receive experience from 18yr rare, chronically invisibly ill person. Must be empathetic not sympathetic.
From - 1 month ago