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Roommate wanted to share Three BR Three BA house... - $2,000 - (Newport Beach, CA)

Hi, I'm looking for one or 2 housemates to share the lower level unit in an oceanfront beach house directly on the sand on the oceanfront in Newport Beach with me. I'm currently in contact with the owner of a beach house on 33rd St. and W Oceanfront in Newport beach in consideration of renting the lower level of his two story beach house on the sand on oceanfront for Jan to May. This is a three beds, three bathrooms room unit. I am looking for 1 to two housemates to share the house with. The unit is renting for $6000 a month, we each pay $2000 per person per room. I can pay for two rooms and keep 1 as office or guest room should we decide only to have us 2 as housemates. The house has finished renovation, the garage is currently being upgraded and the house will be available next week for move in. The place is complete furnished. I spoke to the owner twice and saw the place last week. I'm 32, f, entrepreneur, run a consultancy in international business.


Posted in Newport Beach, CA, Shared Housing
From - 1 month ago